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Cotttagestone Walling

Cottagestone Walling is available in Golden Fossil, Lakeland and Carbon Black. Our multi-purpose walling blocks can be installed to show either their pitched or riven face, for a different effect.

Both a decorative and practical addition to any garden project, they can help to create separate garden rooms, planters and boundaries.

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Riven Face: Derived from a natural split on the stone, conveying a traditional look.

Pitched Face: A hand chiselled unique aged effect.

Product Specifications
Product Thickness
Nominal Weight
per pack (kg)
Nominal Coverage
per pack (m²)
Number of Pieces
per pack
Mixed Size Pack Pitched Face* 50-75 1100 5.00 225
Mixed Size Pack Riven Face* 100 1100 7.50 225

*Mixed Size Pack contains 200x100mm x 75, 300x100mm x 75, 365x100mm x75



Available in a choice of 3 colours, our Cottagestone Walling is the perfect solution to create features, borders and boundaries.

For a contemporary look, we recommend Carbon Black Limestone walling, which adds a rich and modern depth to outdoor spaces. If you're looking for a more traditional feel, take a look at Lakeland & Golden Fossil, both offering a warm and traditional feel.

For more information on all of the Natural Paving ranges, visit the Knowledge Hub.